What does it mean to turn on your sexual desire?

It means to become a turned on to life kind of woman. 

She is not just going through the motions of life, but really truly being a woman who is turned on to all the pleasures there are to experience in this life and in our bodies. 

She understands that if she can think about something or someone then she has a relationship with that thing or person and she is willing to take responsibility for every relationship she has- especially the one she has with herself and her marriage.

A turned on woman is aware of her sexuality. She understands that being turned on is a life force that comes from her core and up and out through her heart. A turned on woman is magnetic and vibrant. She knows that her sexuality is an important part of her, that is just as important as every other area of her life. Not more important, not less important. But equal in importance. When her sexuality is made equal to every other part of her life, then she experiences wholeness. She notices that even though hard things happen in life, She has a sense of calm confidence that she can figure anything out. 

I want to point out that sex is a non issue in her marriage. Sex is something pleasurable and fun to her and her spouse. 

When sex is an issue...

You are here because you relate with feeling like sex is a source of struggle in your marriage. Maybe everything else seems to be working fine but sex is one of the only things you argue about. Maybe you’ve noticed that because of confusion, misunderstandings, and frustrations around sex in your marriage, there is some resentment building up and you worry that you and your spouse may not be fulfilled or completely happy together (at least not as happy as you imagined you would be) and you don’t want your marriage to end or you don’t want to pretend that everything is great when really there is some suffering. You’re ready to experience loving yourself, your spouse and your marriage fully. 

If you have found that you are struggling with low sexual desire, it’s not your fault. And it’s not your spouses fault either. A misunderstanding of the female body and how to nourish and support her is what causes low sexual desire. The world we live in easily pushes the brakes on a woman’s sexual desire (mostly unknowingly) throughout the day. The impact this has on her overall health is alarming. She is fatigued, burned out, insecure, and her relationships suffer, especially her marriage.

Why do we want sex to be a non issue in our marriages?

There are several areas in our lives and marriages and when each of these areas are getting the attention they deserve, we feel whole and complete and connected in our marriages. When our marriages are thriving like this, then everything else in life is figure-out-able. When our marriages are not thriving and whole then everything else in life feels heavy and too hard.

Let's work together to turn on you desire and thrive in all areas of your life!

Hi, I’m Jamee Andelin

I will be your instructor in Your Turned on Desire Online School. 

I used to be that wife... depleted, ashamed of my sexuality, and endlessly fighting with my husband with the "we need to have more sex" talk. I knew there had to be a better way, and I set out to learn the skills to build a thriving marriage.

Now, I mentor women with low sexual desire. I specialize in neuroscience, hormones, self compassion, sexual desire, and how this all works together In a woman’s body to improve her life and her relationships. 


Most of my clients, after about month of working with me, say that this is more work than they were expecting. These are not magic audios that you can listen to and everything improves.

I am teaching you skills and giving you homework to practice. Though you don’t need to be perfect at any of these skills, lifestyle shifts, and homework assignments to get amazing results, you still have to actually take the actions and practice these behaviors in order to experience the change you desire.

This isn’t just another course with some mindset shifts and information that you can consume. This is the sex education we all needed but never received.

And it will feel hard sometimes. Sometimes you may think that your results are taking longer than you thought they would. Of course you will experiences obstacles and frustrations.

If this warning brings you a kind of relief to hear, then you know you are ready for this work. You may be feeling something that feels like fear and/or resistance-and if that feeling of fear is something along the lines of, “something really amazing is about to happen” then you are ready to dive in. I’m honored to be here with you!!