Go from turned off and depleted to turned on and fulfilled.

All it takes is a set of skills and practice.

This is the education you always wanted and never received.

Love your sex life,

thrive in your marriage,

and find joys in your daily life!

This bundle is not available for purchase.

What am I getting?

The content covered in these 4 courses is comparable to the information typically shared in the first 3 months or so of my private coaching program.

This is a $2,000+ value, at a fraction of the cost!

But remember, information does not equal transformation. You will need to practice applying these skills to your daily life to experience the benefits. The work is worth it! You will be rewarded with not only better intimacy in your marriage, but also turn on your desire for life, work through stress, and do more of what brings you joy.

Which course would I take first?

Start with the 2 Sexual Desires and 3 Foundational Skills.

Then, dig into the Restore Your Sexual Pleasure.

As a bonus, you also have access to 6 Secrets to Connection, which you can sprinkle in at any time.

One thing I strongly recommend is to slow down to speed up-- meaning to take the time to process the information, complete the workbook activities, and practice the activities recommended. It may feel so awkward at first, or like you don't have time to do the work, but if you slow down to do the work, you will experience the snowball effect of these skills building upon each other over time. You will be amazed at your own personal timing with this process!

How can I make the most of this purchase?

Commit to working through the uncomfortable emotions that come up during the process. You will be doing life changing work, and that requires sticking with it when things get hard. You are incredible and this is beautiful work to bring more love and kindness into your life.